
Kutxabank is a bank created on January 1, 2012 as a result of integration banking businesses of three Basque savings banks: BBK (including CajaSur), Kutxa and Caja Vital, which are transferred their financial business and customer base.

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Branches and ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Alicante, Spain

The list of offices with ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Alicante, Spain with contacts, location addresses and working hours. 

Branch 506 de Kutxa en Alicante, Alicante

Address: Avenida Orihuela, 47
ZIP Code: 03007
Locality: Alicante
Province: Alicante
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 965108130
Fax: 965108134

Branch 630 de Kutxa en Alicante, Alicante

Address: Doctor Gadea, 12
ZIP Code: 03003
Locality: Alicante
Province: Alicante
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 965147330
Fax: 965147334

Branch 459 de Kutxa en Benidorm, Alicante

Address: Avenida Rei Jaume I, 50
ZIP Code: 03501
Locality: Benidorm
Province: Alicante
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 965855610
Fax: 965855765

Branch 462 de Kutxa en Elche, Alicante

Address: Avenida Blasco Ibañez, 4
ZIP Code: 03201
Locality: Elche
Province: Alicante
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 966667200
Fax: 966667204

Branch 584 de Kutxa en Orihuela, Alicante

Address: Avenida Teodomiro, 7
ZIP Code: 03300
Locality: Orihuela
Province: Alicante
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 966737561
Fax: 966737569

Branch 556 de Kutxa en San Vicente Del Raspeig, Alicante

Address: Avenida Ancha Castelar, 28
ZIP Code: 03690
Locality: San Vicente Del Raspeig
Province: Alicante
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 965677098
Fax: 965677064