
Kutxabank is a bank created on January 1, 2012 as a result of integration banking businesses of three Basque savings banks: BBK (including CajaSur), Kutxa and Caja Vital, which are transferred their financial business and customer base.

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Branches and ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Malaga, Spain

The list of offices with ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Malaga, Spain with contacts, location addresses and working hours. 

Branch 621 de Kutxa en Estepona, Málaga

Address: Real, 145
ZIP Code: 29680
Locality: Estepona
Province: Málaga
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 952806986
Fax: 952807652

Branch 822 de Kutxa en Fuengirola, Málaga

Address: Avenida de Mijas, 23
ZIP Code: 29640
Locality: Fuengirola
Province: Málaga
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 952667076
Fax: 952667271

Branch 469 de Kutxa en Málaga, Málaga

Address: Avenida de la Aurora, 30
ZIP Code: 29002
Locality: Málaga
Province: Málaga
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 952041920
Fax: 952042052

Branch 585 de Kutxa en Málaga, Málaga

Address: Camino Suarez, 49
ZIP Code: 29011
Locality: Málaga
Province: Málaga
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 952618560
Fax: 952071428

Branch 599 de Kutxa en Málaga, Málaga

Address: Juan Sebastian Elcano, 186
ZIP Code: 29017
Locality: Málaga
Province: Málaga
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 952206065
Fax: 952297573

Branch 937 de Kutxa en Málaga, Málaga

Address: Ayala, 59
ZIP Code: 29002
Locality: Málaga
Province: Málaga
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 952042336
Fax: 952313486

Branch 471 de Kutxa en Marbella, Málaga

Address: Ricardo Soriano, 46
ZIP Code: 29600
Locality: Marbella
Province: Málaga
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 952763270
Fax: 952763274