
Kutxabank is a bank created on January 1, 2012 as a result of integration banking businesses of three Basque savings banks: BBK (including CajaSur), Kutxa and Caja Vital, which are transferred their financial business and customer base.

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Branches and ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Sevilla, Spain

The list of offices with ATMs of Kutxa Bank in Sevilla, Spain with contacts, location addresses and working hours. 

Branch 463 de Kutxa en Alcalá De Guadaíra, Sevilla

Address: Plaza Plazuela, 3, Local-1
ZIP Code: 41500
Locality: Alcalá De Guadaíra
Province: Sevilla
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 955699250
Fax: 955699254

Branch 629 de Kutxa en Dos Hermanas, Sevilla

Address: San Francisco, 5
ZIP Code: 41700
Locality: Dos Hermanas
Province: Sevilla
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 955678678
Fax: 955678683

Branch 460 de Kutxa en Sevilla, Sevilla

Address: Virgen de Lujan, 19
ZIP Code: 41011
Locality: Sevilla
Province: Sevilla
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 954286961
Fax: 954286965

Branch 589 de Kutxa en Sevilla, Sevilla

Address: Reyes Catolicos, 6
ZIP Code: 41001
Locality: Sevilla
Province: Sevilla
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 954561241
Fax: 954560662

Branch 623 de Kutxa en Sevilla, Sevilla

Address: Eduardo Dato, 95-97
ZIP Code: 41005
Locality: Sevilla
Province: Sevilla
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 954934676
Fax: 954934673

Branch 627 de Kutxa en Sevilla, Sevilla

Address: Maria Auxiliadora, 24
ZIP Code: 41008
Locality: Sevilla
Province: Sevilla
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 954989832
Fax: 954989867

Branch 726 de Kutxa en Sevilla, Sevilla

Address: Felipe II, 10
ZIP Code: 41013
Locality: Sevilla
Province: Sevilla
From Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:15, Thursday also 16:45 to 19:30
Tel.: 954296124
Fax: 954297792