Banco Mare Nostrum

Banco Mare Nostrum (BMN) is the company, founded in 2010 as a result of integration of financial business of three savings banks: Caja Murcia (41%), Caja Granada (18%) and Sa Nostra (13%), and Caixa Penedès (28%).

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Branches and ATMs of Sa Nostra Bank in Alicante, Spain

The list of offices with ATMs of Sa Nostra Bank in Alicante, Spain with contacts, location addresses and working hours. 

Branch 2137 of SA NOSTRA in Alcudia (Alicante)

Address: Paseo Mare de Deu de la Victoria, 3
ZIP code: 03829
Locality: Alcudia
Province: Alicante
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:30.
Teléfono: 971548863
Fax: 971546109